[quote=""JensenBakura""][quote=""BlueElephantKung-Fu""][quote=""DarthEhsan""]Have you seriously considered it?
And not talking about hating someone and saying you'll kill them or whatever. No fantasy killings .
I mean seriously fathomed and wanted to murder someone you know.
I have

Yes, but considering that I have more or less killed for a living it's not a big deal. Personally I think Hollywood blows it out of proportion, the blabla about dreams of the people you killed and such are BS, or at least they are for me.[/quote]
Not sure how seriously to take you all, but I can see how killing wouldn't necessarily be a big deal to someone.
1000 years ago, people were rounded up all the time to fight, and kill, for king and country. Of course, that was long ago, so we ignore it.
Then I hear about this guy in Albania who had a man in a mask show up at his door and demand the guys daughter at gun-point. The guy said ok, went to the kitchen, got a meat cleaver and opened the door and hacked the guy to death before he could get a shot off. (obviously not the brightest gunman - of course the guy soon found out why, he took of the mask and it was one of his neighbours).
I here stuff like that, and I wonder how easy it might be to kill someone if the situation arose.[/quote]
I don't mean self defence stuff or protecting your family, those are justified killings, I don't mean war or forced situations.
I'm talking about Murder, where you loath someone and truly feel you must kill that person, but you know it's for selfish reasons. I'm talking about a situation where it can truly happen, not stuff you dream about but will never act on.