Bazlag is my shimsham, he was an orc but now he's a troll
Khortek is my warrior, he was an orc and now he's a MASTER RACE BELF
I WAS going to make him an orc again, but after making an Orc on the beta realms I just can't do it. Blizzard did something to helmets for Orcs and now they look like they have ridiculously tiny heads.
Wimble wrote:Is Enh the best spec of all? I read that it was v fun somewhere.
It's really different. Feels like a magical fury warrior more than anything. You have attacks that build maelstrom and you have abilities that cost maelstrom to use, but do more damage based on the amount of maelstrom you have. It's not terrible but I'm not a huge fan of it.
Elemental is pretty much the same. Just shitting lightning everywhere.