Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

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Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

Ok, here are the entries. I'd like you to pick your two favourite stories. You can vote for yourself as one of the choices. The top two as of friday will go into the final.

Remember, the prize is real: 1 free month of SWTOR play.

Voters so far:

JensenBakura - Baraja, Kahenyu
Sobchak - Ebado, Kahenyu
Kahenyu - Baraja, Kahenyu
Volke - Volke, Ebado
Baraja - Baraja, Kahenyu
FallenChicken - Kahenyu, Ghangis
Sigmarsson - Kahenyu, Baraja
Slippery_Eel - Ebado, Volke
Salo_Pano - Kahenyu, Lovebus
Qual - Baraja, Kahenyu


Kahenyu - 8
Baraja - 5

[youtube:y3xxa80f] ... L&index=41[/youtube:y3xxa80f]

Love Bus: 1

Death hadn’t noticed the large blue elephant thingy in diapers walking behind her until she smelled him.
“Got a smoke?”
“Fuck off.”
“Seriously. Look, I know you’re sexy and what not and obviously pissed off about something, but I just spent the last 3 days in a dark fucking pit of a place playing a fucking keyboard for drunk aliens that DON’T TIP FOR SHIT! So, can I please have a fucking cigarette?!”
It was the keyboard part that caught her attention. She was here for a keyboardist. Up to that point she had been content to keep her face in the direction the smell wasn’t; but when she turned to face him recognition dawned on her face and her mouth slowly formed a sly grin.
“Finally warming up to me?”
“You could say that…”
Death turned her gaze back to the horizon and transported both her and the large blue elephant thingy in diapers to the astral plane. Piercing jets of blue and purple surrounded them. The air was thick with color. It tasted like fresh linen.
“What. The. Fuck.”
“Look, you’re dead. This is apparently you’re heaven. Grats on the linen smell cause you fucking stink. You should take care of that.”
“What. The. Fuck.”
“Suck it up. You’re dead. Decorate how ya want. I gotta go.”
“Can’t I at least get the fucking cigarette?!”
“I don’t smoke douche bag, you do. Make it happen.”
Death gave the large blue elephant thingy a wink and a cigarette appeared in the large blue elephant thingy’s hand.
“There’s no fire in the afterlife ya know. Have fun with that.”
“What. The. Fuck.”

Ebado: 3

Orky the Opulent Ortolan knew one thing: double penetrating Mandotard Fuckgirl with his cock and cocktrunk was much easier than using a boomerang.


Mandochick blew Baraja.

Kaheynu: 8

Mandalorian bounty hunter Bitch'ika knelt on a ledge outside the Jedi temple. She'd removed her helmet to enjoy the cool Coruscant breeze through her ragged red hair, though it put her out of touch with her backup.

Lord Angron and his Twi'lek assassin crossed below her. As Angron dispatched the Republic troops with contemptuous ease, the Twi'lek looked up at Bitch'ika and nodded once. Bitch'ika donned her helmet.

"...and quit starting at that wormhead slut already!" Her backup, a blue Ortolan called Baraja, shouted into his mic.

"You know blue's my favorite color," she murmured back. She activated her jets and leapt to a high window.

"Yeah yeah, I hear ya. Watch your right!" She drew her pistol and dropped the Republic soldiers closing on her. However, her mind was not on her task.

"Hey Baraja... after this. you wanna do the trunk thing?" Her fair skin flamed beneath her armor. The Ortolan could do things with that trunk that made even the most dedicated muff diver weep.

"You liked that, huh?" Baraja chuckled. "Sure. Just make sure and kill a bunch of Jedi for me."

Bitch'ika's panties grew soaked as she mercilessly burned her way through the temple. She blasted through the bodies that stood between her and the object of her desire. She could feel his blue girth inside her already.

Many Jedi died. Bitch'ika didn't even notice. When the Twi'lek was hurled against a column by a Jedi, it barely registered. All that mattered was Baraja and his trunk of infinite pleasure. Her breath was ragged, her labia burned.

In a haze of smoke and desire, the battle ended. The Temple had been razed, its guardians dead.

"You better be ready, blue boy" she moaned. "I want that trunk all the way back to Korriban!"

Ghangis: 1

It was a lazy day for Baraja. He had gotten so bored that he decided to order a giant fan, place it outside his window, then stand behind it whilst holding his giant blue ass-cheeks open. The absolutely foul stench then blew all the way throughout Coruscant, stopping everybody in their tracks. Soon every building was filled to capacity and not a soul was seen wandering the streets.

His tight ass-hole had soon become so dry that a brown liquid started to drip from it. This didn't bother Baraja however, he had already fallen asleep. The liquid continued to drip and drip, until the carpet was completely soaked in his own ass-juices. He woke suddenly, and noticed the mess. He removed his hands from clenching his ass, and started to cry in his own humiliation. He knew that his lover, Gertrude, was soon to come over. There was no way he could hide the mess before she arrived. He was doomed.

In the corner, drenched in a foul brown liquid and crying, Baraja sat. He could hear his lover walking up the steps, with a knock at the door soon following. "Baraja Boo, honey, it's me" Gertrude yelled, "It's me baby, open the door!" He continued to sit in his own tears and scat. "I know you're in there, you big blue fuck!" She continued to yell. He eventually realized that he had to open the door and confront his fears. So he slowly started to stand up, with fear beating in his heart.

Suddenly he slipped on his juices and fell, busting his jaw right open. Now, not only was he drenched in shame, but in blood and pain. Everything seemed to go white for him at that moment. He was dying, and had no one to blame but himself.

Baraja: 5

"You better get away you drunk, broke, fat ortolan" said the trandoshan bouncer. "The 3 things you mentioned can be solved, but you being but fuck ugly is going with you to your grave" replied Baraja, the bouncer in a fit of rage, started beating Baraja. The Ortolan putting up little to no resistance limited himself to offending the bouncer with each worth that came out of his mouth. "I can only imagine how ugly your mother is, but I'm pretty sure even the hutts are beauty queens compared to her" said Baraja just when the Trando decided to stop beating him, but when hearing him, he pulled out a blaster decided to shoot that sorry drunk. "Wow that's like 3 meters or something, you sure you're good enough with a blaster to shoot an ortolan at that distance?"-said Baraja to goad him one final time.

A second before the Trando pulled the trigger he got shot in the back of the head, the trando dropped dead on the floor, with smoke still coming out of the back of his head. A beautiful red headed woman in Manalorian armour held a smoking blaster. "Griselda"- whispered Baraja. "You missed me you blue chunk of fat"- replied the red headed woman. "Griselda, you call me fat, but by fat you mean breath takingly good looking, I know you have a thing for blue"- he shouted with lust in his eyes. "I can see why you never get to mate, if that was your best attempt at hitting at a female. Now get yourself up, I have a mission for you"- Said Griselda while turning around. "What kind of mission?" asked Baraja. "Practical suicide"- replied Griselda with a somewhat lowered voice.

Volke: 2

Jimmy Ortolan isn't a well sung hero. He isn't in any history books, not many people have even heard of him. Some might argue he was never even a documented citizen. However, what can't be argued, is the contributions he brought to this great nation during it's most troubled time: World War 2. It can also be said, without a doubt, that he definitely existed. Young Jimmy knew from the beginning that he was destined for greatness. Born to a young African slave couple, Jimmy grew up in Harlem, in up-state Chicago. Like all colored youth he joined a gang. in order to get his "props." He and the rest of his unnamed gang in Harlem ran the streets with an iron fist. Times were good with him and his bitch; or were they? Time were indeed good, until the Japanese performed a sneak attack on young Jimmy's town, killing his parents instantly. Jimmy swore revenge on all the Japanese, and promised to avenge the death of his parent, who were on the verge of curing cancer. Jimmy couldn't join the army because Martin Luther King Jr. hadn't been born yet and coloreds couldn't join the military. So Jimmy had to form a plan. A deadly plan, for revenge. Using a new name, Jimmy snuck into a Japanese base in Tokyo, and fought off countless samurai and ninjas, until he came face to face with the president of Japan. "President Maximoto! Now you're going to pay!" Jimmy sais, but little did he know that right behind him was Hitler! "Now you must fight us both!" Jimmy fought valiantly, but he was no match for both Hitler and President Japan. With a dying charge, he pushed Hitler out the window, falling with him to death. Jimmy Ortolan probably saved the world.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Sobchak »

I apologize to the people who clearly put in more effort but ebado's made me lol. The kind where you actually laugh.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

[quote=""Sobchak""]I apologize to the people who clearly put in more effort but ebado's made me lol. The kind where you actually laugh.[/quote]

You need to pick 2, brainzilla.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Sobchak »

First of all, I voted before you even posted your little P.S. on my buttocks topic.
Second of all, I'll vote for kaheynu's for my second voting.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

[quote=""Sobchak""]First of all, I voted before you even posted your little P.S. on my buttocks topic.
Second of all, I'll vote for kaheynu's for my second voting.

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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by kaheynu »

One for kaheynu, one for Baraja. Let's keep this thing tight people! :!:
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Volke »

I'm self-centered. Myself.

Also Ebado. I lol'd
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

I'm voting for myself and for Kaheynu.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by fallenchicken »

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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by fallenchicken »



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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »




You can't vote for need to pick 2 of the stories.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Sigmarsson »

Kahenyu and Baraja
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by lovebus »

i never thought i'd see the day when good fiction died.

wtb people who read
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

[quote=""lovebus""]i never thought i'd see the day when good fiction died.

wtb people who read[/quote]

Vote please.
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by lovebus »

[quote=""JensenBakura""][quote=""lovebus""]i never thought i'd see the day when good fiction died.

wtb people who read[/quote]

Vote please.[/quote]

no time for love dr. jones
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

[quote=""lovebus""][quote=""JensenBakura""][quote=""lovebus""]i never thought i'd see the day when good fiction died.

wtb people who read[/quote]

Vote please.[/quote]

no time for love dr. jones[/quote]

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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Ghangis »

Scat-fiction has failed me yet again. =(
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by lovebus »

populartiy is greater than scat fiction anyday.

personally i like scat fiction
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Volke »

You gais suck!
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by JensenBakura »

[quote=""Ghangis""]Scat-fiction has failed me yet again. =([/quote]

Still time to vote!
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Darth Snuggles »

Ebado and Volke
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Volke »

[quote=""lovebus""]populartiy is greater than scat fiction anyday.

personally i like scat fiction[/quote]

Did my first story count as scat fiction?
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Re: Short Story Competition Voting Phase. Round One.

Post by Qual »

kaheynu and Baraja
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