Seriously, what the fuck is with the Revan fanboys? Like, I get it... KOTOR was a great game and you got to play as an interesting character. But god damn, the biggest reason I've almost always stayed out of every forum (besides OT) is because it's the same dumb ass recycled "ZOMG Revan" threads.
[quote=""Mazz""]Now I don't know what's turning me on more... Sidious with tits or James Vanderbeek crying.[/quote]
Both together make a scary cocktail of lust and fap.
On a serious note, the Revan fanboi infestation is pretty appalling. The Star Wars Discussion Forum should be one of the most interesting Forums on those boards (excluding the GD after a good update... which rarely, if ever happens). Instead they seriously are just a Revan love-train. Nearly as bad as the Fandolorians on the BH boards.
XxBobbaFettxX posted:
hai Im new hier nd i jus wantd 2 sai huw awsum Boba Fet iz cos of hiz flamethrowa!!111!!
Yeah, I don't understand the Revan thing at all. Plus I think they are all just biased against the Exile, just because she was officially made a female. Pffft.
[quote=""Slippery_Eel""]Yeah, I don't understand the Revan thing at all. Plus I think they are all just biased against the Exile, just because she was officially made a female. Pffft.[/quote]
Last edited by Qual on Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[quote=""Slippery_Eel""]Yeah, I don't understand the Revan thing at all. Plus I think they are all just biased against the Exile, just because she was officially made a female. Pffft.[/quote]
Exactly! That's why we gave Sidious those bewbies! Now he's doin it for the bitches!
On a serious note, I totally agree; if Revan were canonically female his (her) popularity would be WAY down.
[quote=""salo_pano""][quote=""Slippery_Eel""]Yeah, I don't understand the Revan thing at all. Plus I think they are all just biased against the Exile, just because she was officially made a female. Pffft.[/quote]
Exactly! That's why we gave Sidious those bewbies! Now he's doin it for the bitches!
On a serious note, I totally agree; if Revan were canonically female his (her) popularity would be WAY down.[/quote]
Actually - I thought female LS Revan was by far the best story choice. Check out Aimo - she has some awesome Female Revan pictures:
I just realised the artist says it in his/her description.
It's generally accepted that at some point after they became the bad guys Malak attempted one of his trademark grabs at power by challenging Revan, and Revan was forced to put him in his place by cutting off his jaw. The fact that Revan appears more than a little distraught in this image seems to contradict this fact.
I guess Revan could be upset after "she" had done it though...