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Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:21 pm
by badfo
I saw Apocalypse and it was really dumb and it made me really sad. The quality in these films oscillates to a ridiculous degree.

DoFP, X1, X2 and First Class are legitimately good movies and I like them more than most MCU films. I liked The Wolverine when I saw it but it was just OK. But then you have X3 (which I don't think is as bad as these next two but it had issues), Origins and Apocalypse. Where did these come from?

Watching Apocalypse I have no clue how they thought this was going to be interesting. I want to say there were too many characters, but DoFP and the other good films are overloaded too and still manage to not be ass. Like how many lines does Psylocke have? Why is she there? Why is Angel there? Like it's just stupid. Storm's only in it as an obvious set-up for new films. Nothing about it was coherent, which again it's not like DoFP is particularly coherent but they were still able to pull that off. There's almost nothing redeemable about the movie itself. Even Sansa's accent is terrible. And Storm's. Deerlord.


Re: x-mang

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 7:04 am
by pano
I haven't seen it yet either but I knew to expect this. Totes agree, this series is all over the place. Apocalypse should be less of a hard sell for the audience than DOFP surely because time travel? So weird

Re: x-mang

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:40 am
by Sobchak
Heard it was awful, which is a shame because the cast looked great. Looking back, DofFP really could have been an amazing movie. There aren't a lot of franchises that could effectively pull that plot off, but they had it no problem. Except every climax is still Fassbender just lifting a large object, mostly -- the same anti-climax Singer did with Superman.

On a similar note: I haven't seen the new x-mang but did see Bats v Supes when it came out. I fell asleep at some parts, blew bubbles into my soda for the rest of it.

Then, last night, my flight was delayed an hour so they comped our movies and I gave that dumpster fire another shot. Fell asleep again. Then discovered I couldn't change the channel to a new movie (like the inimitable Barbershop: The Next Cut) so they gave me TWO coca colas and TWO Jim Beams. But still I had to look at Jesse Eisenberg for several hours.

Re: x-mang

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:45 am
by Pewps
They shoulda got Vin Diesel for Lex

Re: x-mang

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:09 pm
by Darth Snuggles
Sobchak wrote: so they gave me TWO coca colas and TWO Jim Beams. But still I had to look at Jesse Eisenberg for several hours.
Not enough Jim Beam in the world to ease that kind of torment.