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fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:32 pm
by fallenchicken
Bestbuy on the phone: Yeah we got the killzone 2 and MGS4 ps3 bundle for 399 available, want us to hold you one?

fallenchicken: Awesome, I will be right over.

fallenchicken takes a 15 minute drive to bestbuy

fallenchicken arrives at bestbuy with a smile on his face.

Fallenchicken: Hi I called earlier about the ps3 killzone 2 and MGS4 bundle.

bestbuy employ: Oh sorry, we cant sell those till Sunday.

fallenchicken: Dude I called earlier you told me I could.

bestbuy employ: sorry bro

fallenchicken: Dude just give me it. You got them in the back

bestbuy: sorry we cant sell them till Monday

fallenchicken pulls out his gun and places it on the counter.

fallenchicken: How bout now?

bestbuy(now panicking): sorry we could get in trouble for selling it early

fallenchicken: dude i am going to shoot you if you don't sell me a fucking ps3

bestbuy: Cant do it sir its against store policy.

fallenchicken is now getting frustrated.

Old lady standing behind fallenchicken: Could you hurry up?

fallenchicken turns around and grabs the old lady and puts the gun to her head.

fallenchicken: Im gonna start killing hostages unless you sell me a fucking ps3.

bestbuy: sorry sir.

fallenchicken: What the fuck. Your gonna let me kill this old lady so you dont break store policy?

bestbuy: cant do it sir. Please release the hostage.

fallenchicken: you made me do this.

fallenchicken blows the old lady's brains out. She falls the ground with a thump.

bestbuy(over intercom): we need a clean up at the front desk

fallenchicken:I guess I will just come get it Sunday then.

bestbuy: sorry about the misunderstanding sir.

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:51 pm
by BlueElephantKung-Fu
[quote=""fallenchicken""]Bestbuy on the phone: Yeah we got the killzone 2 and MGS4 ps3 bundle for 399 available, want us to hold you one?

fallenchicken: Awesome, I will be right over.

fallenchicken takes a 15 minute drive to bestbuy

fallenchicken arrives at bestbuy with a smile on his face.

Fallenchicken: Hi I called earlier about the ps3 killzone 2 and MGS4 bundle.

bestbuy employ: Oh sorry, we cant sell those till Sunday.

fallenchicken: Dude I called earlier you told me I could.

bestbuy employ: sorry bro

fallenchicken: Dude just give me it. You got them in the back

bestbuy: sorry we cant sell them till Monday

fallenchicken pulls out his gun and places it on the counter.

fallenchicken: How bout now?

bestbuy(now panicking): sorry we could get in trouble for selling it early

fallenchicken: dude i am going to shoot you if you don't sell me a fucking ps3

bestbuy: Cant do it sir its against store policy.

fallenchicken is now getting frustrated.

Old lady standing behind fallenchicken: Could you hurry up?

fallenchicken turns around and grabs the old lady and puts the gun to her head.

fallenchicken: Im gonna start killing hostages unless you sell me a fucking ps3.

bestbuy: sorry sir.

fallenchicken: What the fuck. Your gonna let me kill this old lady so you dont break store policy?

bestbuy: cant do it sir. Please release the hostage.

fallenchicken: you made me do this.

fallenchicken blows the old lady's brains out. She falls the ground with a thump.

bestbuy(over intercom): we need a clean up at the front desk

fallenchicken:I guess I will just come get it Sunday then.

bestbuy: sorry about the misunderstanding sir.[/quote]

You got me lolling, congratz.

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:54 pm
by badfo
Huh, more like "no buy".

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:15 am
by lovebus
[quote=""ebado""]Huh, more like "no buy".[/quote]

i see wat u did thar.


Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:03 am
by pano
Chicken, did you get a good price for your Xbox and accessories?

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:19 am
by BlueFish
[quote=""salo_pano""]Chicken, did you get a good price for your Xbox and accessories?[/quote]

He got the Xbox and its accessories for free after he told the employees about his friends Baraja and Sobchak.

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:31 am
by pano
[quote=""BlueFish""][quote=""salo_pano""]Chicken, did you get a good price for your Xbox and accessories?[/quote]

He got the Xbox and its accessories for free after he told the employees about his friends Baraja and Sobchak.[/quote]
Saying that you're friends with salo gets you all the farms in Cuba and a quart of beads!

Re: fallenchicken vs bestbuy

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:44 pm
by fallenchicken
[quote=""salo_pano""]Chicken, did you get a good price for your Xbox and accessories?[/quote]

u sold them for 300 on craigslist.