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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

I'm max level. At level 18 a feature opens up that puts all strikes at level 18, there's also level 20, 22 and 24 versions of Strikes. You get decent loot and it's all around pretty fun. I wish the loot would drop directly off of bosses instead of getting rewards at the stats/post-match screen. It just feels better.

There's also a daily heroic mission, where it takes one of the missions from the campaign and puts it at level 20. There are more mobs and they're more aggressive and they also add debuffs onto you to make it interesting. Yesterday's debuff was "Juggler" where ammo for the weapon you were currently using would not drop, so you had to switch between your secondary and primary to keep them stocked. It was neat.

Much like World of Warcraft, once I get my character full geared out I'll probably lose interest until the DLC hits.

All in all, I feel like I just barely got my money's worth. I should have known after Bioshock Infinite to not buy a game for full price at release. If this game were on PC it'd be fucking great, though. A lot of the problems would be remedied simply by having a mouse and keyboard and keyboard chat.

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Re: Destiny

Post by JensenBakura »

Pewps wrote:I'm max level. At level 18 a feature opens up that puts all strikes at level 18, there's also level 20, 22 and 24 versions of Strikes. You get decent loot and it's all around pretty fun. I wish the loot would drop directly off of bosses instead of getting rewards at the stats/post-match screen. It just feels better.

There's also a daily heroic mission, where it takes one of the missions from the campaign and puts it at level 20. There are more mobs and they're more aggressive and they also add debuffs onto you to make it interesting. Yesterday's debuff was "Juggler" where ammo for the weapon you were currently using would not drop, so you had to switch between your secondary and primary to keep them stocked. It was neat.

Much like World of Warcraft, once I get my character full geared out I'll probably lose interest until the DLC hits.

All in all, I feel like I just barely got my money's worth. I should have known after Bioshock Infinite to not buy a game for full price at release. If this game were on PC it'd be fucking great, though. A lot of the problems would be remedied simply by having a mouse and keyboard and keyboard chat.

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You didn't like Infinite?
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

JensenBakura wrote:You didn't like Infinite?
I thought the gameplay was boring
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Re: Destiny

Post by JensenBakura »

Pewps wrote:
JensenBakura wrote:You didn't like Infinite?
I thought the gameplay was boring
Fair enough.
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Re: Destiny

Post by badfo »

Pewps wrote:I should have known after Bioshock Infinite to not buy a game for full price at release.
That was Skyrim for me. I don't buy as many games since then. I was iffy about it going in and regretted it.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

JensenBakura wrote:
Pewps wrote:
JensenBakura wrote:You didn't like Infinite?
I thought the gameplay was boring
Fair enough.
I'd elaborate but I can't quite put my finger on what it was that I didn't like. I just know that in the 2nd half of the game, I just wanted to rush to the story parts because combat felt like a chore. I know that I only ever needed to use 1-2 of the powers given and once my gun was fully upgraded I didn't even need to use them at all. I tried turning up the difficulty but that just turned the enemies into bullet sponges who 2 shot you.

It just felt ripped off of my $60 by the end of it

On the topic of Destiny, one thing that I can't really find any fault with at all is the music. It's pretty great. Not quite as good as Halo, but it still has some pretty memorable tunes. And the funny thing is, they let the guy who did it go.
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Re: Destiny

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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

Welp I think I'm finally done. Here's my fiteman: ... 86196#gear.

The PvP isn't enough to keep my entertained for very long. I do alright, usually end with a 1.5 - 2.0 K/D. Deathmatch is the only Crucible type worth playing. Control is just getting constantly killed by supers because people group around the flag or are always near the flag, so people just wait till their supers are up before assaulting a point. There's one game-type called Skirmish where it's just 3 on 3, but 3 on 3 is fucking cancerous so I didn't even bother. There's a free-for-all gametype where people sit in corners with shotguns. There's no invasion, there's no grifball with a Crota sword, there's not even fucking CTF. How do you fuck up this hard?

I tried that one vehicle game-type I was excited to play. Turns out it's just the normal vehicle levels from the regular Control playlist, so there's only 2-3 maps. Many of the regular Deathmatch levels are just cramped corridors, so everyone just runs around with shotguns. It's fucking awful. The maps that are a bit more opened up are nice.

In PvP in general, everyone uses Assault Rifles and Shotguns/Fusion Guns (fusion guns are medium range shotguns with a 1-2 second charge) which is pretty lame. The loot you get at the end of the match is randomized. You went 22 - 10? Too fucking bad, we're gonna give that legendary shotgun to some shitter who went 5 - 11.

The loot grind is absolutely ridiculous. You can do it the legit way, which involves doing a Strikes, which never drop purple gear, or grinding marks. You can only grind 100 marks a week, and all legendary pieces except helmet and weapons cost 65 marks. The Helmet costs 125 marks and the weapons cost 150. The non-legit way involves sitting outside of a cave on earth where enemies spawn every 5 seconds and killing them hoping you get a legendary drop. You can usually average 1 legendary every hour or two. I would say you could raid in order to get legendaries but you have to be level 27-28 to do that, which means you're already decked out in full legendaries.

The Strikes themselves are incredibly tedious. Only one Strike has a boss that doesn't have the "slowly strafe around while shooting at you" gimmick and it's PS4 exclusive. They should have just designed Firefight maps, where every 5 waves the rewards get better and better, but the enemies tougher. The funnest parts of the Strikes are the parts where you defend against waves of enemies.

The open world areas really aren't as open as you think. There's invisible walls everywhere or off-limits zones that just kill you when you enter them. The only reason to even go to these planets is to get resources to upgrade your gear or grind rep for the Vanguard.

All in all I'm extremely disappointed because I REALLY wanted to enjoy this game. 6/10, -1 point because Bungie teamed with Activision had more money than God, as Jensen said. It looks like it has a lot of depth at first glance, but when you actually get into the game you realize it's as shallow as the kiddy pool.

5/10. Completely average and shoots for mundane at every possible chance.

I'll come back in a few months, or when they release it on the PC to see if anything has changed.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

Oh yeah, and the fact that you can't access Grimoire cards (the only way you can learn anything about the universe) in game is FUCKING RETARDED.
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Re: Destiny

Post by isgrelindisguise »

pewps is banned from this thread.
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

isgrelindisguise wrote:pewps is banned from this thread.
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Re: Destiny

Post by pano »

so you gonna play wod?
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Re: Destiny

Post by Pewps »

Wimble wrote:so you gonna play wod?
I'll probably play it for 5 days, then play Dargon Age, then go back to playing WoW
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Re: Destiny

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