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Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:49 am
by Thaed
Snuggs: i think in my case, claiming that i am a female, unlike sassy who only ever posts the same two pics
Fox: haha
Snuggs: i have posted several, and often they are forum related so.
Snuggs: i think that gives the gae away.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:18 pm
by Sigmarsson
[quote=""Thaed""]Snuggs: i think in my case, claiming that i am a female, unlike sassy who only ever posts the same two pics
Fox: haha
Snuggs: i have posted several, and often they are forum related so.
Snuggs: i think that gives the gae away.[/quote]

Snuggles also eats for only 15 minutes which is hard evidence that she is a woman.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:17 pm
by Thaed
[quote=""Sigmarsson""][quote=""Thaed""]Snuggs: i think in my case, claiming that i am a female, unlike sassy who only ever posts the same two pics
Fox: haha
Snuggs: i have posted several, and often they are forum related so.
Snuggs: i think that gives the gae away.[/quote]

Snuggles also eats for only 15 minutes which is hard evidence that she is a woman.[/quote]
No doubts there. I just lol'd at 'gae'.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:31 am
by Darth Snuggles
[quote=""Thaed""]I just lol'd at 'gae'.[/quote]

I did wonder why you posted that.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:13 am
by Browncoat Fox
'A Sneaky Ithorian' has left the chat.
'Joseph Smith' has left the chat.
'ebado' has joined the chat.
'ebado' has left the chat.
'ebado' has joined the chat.
ebado: God...
'ebado' has left the chat.
Fox: wait...
'ebado' has joined the chat.
ebado: Damnit
'ebado' has left the chat.
Fox: :(


Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:19 am
by Sobchak
Ehsan: She was in my green management class.
Ehsan: She is*
ebado: The fat one with small breasts who doesn't fit into her outfit
ebado: And the weird lazy eye?
Ehsan: lol yup
Ehsan: I never thought she was that fine, but her body is insane.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:01 am
by Darth Snuggles
[quote=""Sobchak""]Ehsan: She was in my green management class.
Ehsan: She is*
ebado: The fat one with small breasts who doesn't fit into her outfit
ebado: And the weird lazy eye?
Ehsan: lol yup
Ehsan: I never thought she was that fine, but her body is insane.[/quote]

:lol: You guys crack me up. What a gem.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:02 am
by Browncoat Fox
ebado: Stay
ebado: FOX
Fox: :(
ebado: I want you to stay
ebado: Please stay
Fox: its 2AM
ebado: Just 30 minutes?
Fox: 30 minutes?
ebado: 15 minutes?
Fox: how about 5
ebado: 10 minutes?
ebado: OK
Fox: Lol
ebado: So you will stay for five?
Fox: i will
ebado: OK
ebado: PEace out
'ebado' has left the chat.
Fox: i figured something along those lines may happen
Sobchak: You're all fags.
'Sobchak' has left the chat.


Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:13 am
by Darth Snuggles
No-one is in vent when I log in anymore :(

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:53 am
by Tamerlane
[quote=""Darth Snuggles""]No-one is in vent when I log in anymore :([/quote]


tho if you come on msn first and tell me your on vent ill come on, otherwise ill have to keep checking back every 10 minutes and i have important fapping to do

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:55 am
by Thaed
[quote=""Tamerlane""][quote=""Darth Snuggles""]No-one is in vent when I log in anymore :([/quote]


tho if you come on msn first and tell me your on vent ill come on, otherwise ill have to keep checking back every 10 minutes and i have important fapping to do[/quote]
Ever since I heard you on vent, I've been reading everything you say with a British accent.

I must say, I find the experience of hearing you inside my head quite enjoyable, Tamer.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:00 pm
by Tamerlane
[quote=""Thaed""][quote=""Tamerlane""][quote=""Darth Snuggles""]No-one is in vent when I log in anymore :([/quote]


tho if you come on msn first and tell me your on vent ill come on, otherwise ill have to keep checking back every 10 minutes and i have important fapping to do[/quote]
Ever since I heard you on vent, I've been reading everything you say with a British accent.

I must say, I find the experience of hearing you inside my head quite enjoyable, Tamer.[/quote]

a fuckign BRITISH accent!

is a cleverly layered west midlands/south eastern accent

tho i am glad that you enjoy me inside you

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:01 pm
by Darth Snuggles
[quote=""Tamerlane""][quote=""Darth Snuggles""]No-one is in vent when I log in anymore :([/quote]


tho if you come on msn first and tell me your on vent ill come on, otherwise ill have to keep checking back every 10 minutes and i have important fapping to do[/quote]
I'm sorry! I will remember to log into msn :(

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:31 pm
by badfo
Fox: fox must sleep fellows, he will be sad to miss history though :(
Fox: but i gotta work tomorrow
Fox: later all!
GnarlPiig: later
'Fox' has left the chat.
GnarlPiig: I got work in about an hour, so I should probably go to.
GnarlPiig: ciya.
'GnarlPiig' has left the chat.
A Sneaky Ithorian: I can name the first 4 presidents
A Sneaky Ithorian: im gointobedtoo
'A Sneaky Ithorian' has left the chat.
'Joseph Smith' has left the chat.
'Sobchak' has left the chat.
'Joseph Smith' has joined the chat.
'Snuggs' has left the chat.
'Joseph Smith' has left the chat.
'Joseph Smith' has joined the chat.
Joseph Smith: homo
'Joseph Smith' has left the chat.
'Sigmarsson' has joined the chat.
Sigmarsson: :-+
Sigmarsson: Ebado
'Sigmarsson' has left the chat.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:42 am
by Thaed
ebado: Soryr beaod is tired of real life friends
ebado: and had too much champagne
ebado: i can speel champagne but not ebdo
ebado: .
ebado: ebado
Thaed: Vid relevant.
ebado: sham paggin
ebado: For reals
ebado: I jussgest you look up uonr lov snf drr hi eotk.i lobrf hi in blsnvk vhrvk snf dhg ninjsd
ebado: i suggest you look up tone loc and see his woirk. i lovved him in blank check and surf ninjas
ebado: sorry i ot off on my keyboard
ebado: not like masturbaing but ptrddinh the rog key
ebado: ...
ebado: rsjo
ebado: ebado
ebado: night
'ebado' has left the chat.
I was in fucking hysterics.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:58 pm
by Burnetto
How does one obtain the ventrilo details?

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:57 am
by Browncoat Fox
[quote=""Burnetto""]How does one obtain the ventrilo details?[/quote]

What ventrilo?

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:49 am
by Burnetto
[quote=""Browncoat Fox""][quote=""Burnetto""]How does one obtain the ventrilo details?[/quote]

What ventrilo?[/quote]

Ah, nevermind then :)

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:27 am
by badfo
ebado: But for reals, Piig, I don't mind RPing
GnarlPiig: Telling him you DONT say hi sounds kind of flirtatious.
ebado: I just haven't got into storylines etc
salo: ;)
GnarlPiig: My favourite type is casual/conversational, ebado.
GnarlPiig: Both giving and recieving.
salo: LOL

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:07 am
by fallenchicken
Ehsan: Oh my'bad you all get to marry multipule women.
Joseph Smith: Not anymore
Ehsan: aww too bad.
Joseph Smith: You can still have sex with multiple women though
Ehsan: You know i think that's bullshit they don't let people do their own thing.
Joseph Smith: I agree.
ebado: Chicken's family escaped the Mormons, right?
Joseph Smith: Some of family is
Joseph Smith: I have two mormon sisters.
Ehsan: I don't see a big deal with polygamy or homosexuallity ot anything, let those people do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Joseph Smith: And ton of mormon extended family
ebado: Ehsan, but homos are so gay.
Ehsan: If you people in Utah want to be Homosexuall Polygamists then go for it.
Joseph Smith: I do
Ehsan: have a family of a couple of fudge packers, it's your right.
Joseph Smith: But mormons ahte homos pretty bad.
Joseph Smith: hate*
Joseph Smith: loathe even
Ehsan: Would they let homos get married if the government let them do the polygamy thing?
Joseph Smith: they dont want to do the plygamy thing anymore
Joseph Smith: and no they wouldn't
Ehsan: yeah right/
ebado: The true Mormons don't.
ebado: They still have the fundamentalist sects.
Ehsan: I don't see a problem with polygamy.
ebado: Of which some still practice polygamy.
Joseph Smith: It is to the point where homos cant go downtown
Ehsan: if people wanna do it, then do it.
Joseph Smith: Because the church owns all of downtown almost
Joseph Smith: And kick gay people kissing off their property
Ehsan: Good for them, it's their properity.
ebado: Ehsan, the concern is that polygamy lead to arranged marriages, basic slavery and statutory rape
ebado: ebado speel
Ehsan: But that's their culture.
Joseph Smith: lol
Joseph Smith: Slavery is their culture
ebado: But illegal in the U.S. Slavery and rape.
Ehsan: You know polygamy is part is islam, and most muslims don't do it.
Joseph Smith: Polygamy, the way FLDS people practice it, is legal in the u.s
Joseph Smith: They only marry one wife on paper.
ebado: Yes.
Ehsan: And yes arranged marrages happen.
ebado: I learned that from Big Love.
Ehsan: And yes in poor ass places people are sold into marrage.
Ehsan: But that's their culture.
Joseph Smith: Oh so its okay
Ehsan: And who is anyone else to say it's bad.
ebado: But illegal in the U.S.
Joseph Smith: When the taliban gasses a girls school, its just their culture.
ebado: You know what, slavery is fine.
Ehsan: You know the biggest fear people have of homos getting married is they will adopt kids.
ebado: It's my culture to own people.
Ehsan: And people think they will molest them and shit.
Joseph Smith: /i just fucking facepalmed
Joseph Smith: They can adopt kids.
ebado: God Ehsan, you are so fucking stupid,
Ehsan: So the point i'm getting at, is people are monster by themselves, not cause of homosexuallty or polygamy or anything.
Ehsan: Tons of hetro monogomous people are sickos.
ebado: Ehsan, your point was slavery and rape was OK if it was part of somebody's culture
Joseph Smith: lol
Ehsan: No my point is people who make those choices are just bad.
Ehsan: and it has nothing to do with polygamy or not.
Joseph Smith: but that is their culture ehsan
Joseph Smith: so its fine
Ehsan: The whole South did slavery and rape, and they wanted to have a confederate day.
ebado: Who cares? Its their culture.
Ehsan: It's their culture.
ebado: I want to rape all my slaves.
Joseph Smith: its your culture
Joseph Smith: go ahead
ebado: And then murder an entire elementary school.
Ehsan: What if a majjority of people said your culture of hetrosexually was bad, and forced you to be gay.
ebado: With my dick.
ebado: Ehsan, stop trying to back out of it. You are already an idiot.
Ehsan: American Culture feels violence is ok, but sexually is taboo, and in europe it's the other way.
Ehsan: who is correct?
Joseph Smith: wtf are you taling about?
ebado: Ehsan, stop trying.
Joseph Smith: This is going on stories from vent.
ebado: We don't care. You have a lower intelligence level than both of us. You aren't breaking our mind barriers.
ebado: Our mind grapes are swollen with knowledge. Your's are prunes.
Ehsan: I'm just saying small examples of slavery and rape, shouldn't be a reason why a whole people are not allowed to do their thing.
ebado: Nobody said it was.
ebado: I want to do the facepalm emote for the first time.
Ehsan: You guys said polygamy leads to slavery and rape.
ebado: That is how you make me feel.
ebado: No, I said that was the argument the Mormon Church had for abolishing it
Joseph Smith: And it does IN those cult camps
Ehsan: Oh i thought the US governemnt forced them too.
Joseph Smith: There are normal polygamists out their.
Joseph Smith: its the cult part
Joseph Smith: They did
ebado: Jesus, Ehsan, you are an idiot.
Joseph Smith: The church did abolish it for the goverment
Joseph Smith: and became a real religion.
Joseph Smith: Which means*drums* tax exemption
ebado: They should just pray to the space dragons like the rest of us.
Ehsan: Why did they have to change a fundimental part of their religon jsut for the tax exempt?
ebado: Because that's what organized religion does.
Joseph Smith: Yes
Ehsan: Isn't the whole part of the mormans moving to Utah back in the day was so they can have their orgies?
Joseph Smith: Kind of
A Sneaky Ithorian: As I've heard it said, they wanted Utah to be a state but US was all lieks, "lose that polygmy bullshit'
Ehsan: exactly, and the mormans should have the freedom to practice their religion the way they want to.
ebado: For the love of Dumbledore, Ehsan, just comprehend please.
Joseph Smith: People of time viewed mormons as a anti christ type thing
Joseph Smith: They should
Joseph Smith: But they should A. HAve to pay taxes and B. Be held to the law
Ehsan: I hate this prince of persia movie shit, I should have been in that movie.
ebado: Ehsan, you seem to not be separating cults from fundamentalists from mainstream Mormons.
ebado: OK
ebado: We are done with Mormon talk
Ehsan: To me all the religons are a bunch of cults, they just have more followers.
Joseph Smith: When it comes down to it ehsan, people dont like polygamy, not being a polyagamist makes the church look better.
ebado: God, Ehsan, we aren't getting into that.
Ehsan: Have you ever been in a catholic church? That fuckin shit is demonic.
ebado: ...
Ehsan: Drinking wine to symbolize blood and shit.
Joseph Smith: ok
Ehsan: Stand up and sit down over and over chanting shit in unison, bunch of full brainwashing.
Ehsan: But if people want to do that shit, good for them they should be allowed to.
Joseph Smith: they are allowed.
ebado: No, Ehsan. No more. Please. Just stop.
Ehsan: and if those morman want to get freaky with their 2nd and 3rd cousins in a big bed, then let them.
Ehsan: and if homos want to stick it to each other and wear dresses and get married, let them.
ebado: Fox, are you there? Could you start talking about Lost?
Fox: Fox is watching
Fox: L O S T
Joseph Smith: omg l O S T
Joseph Smith: I love lost
Ehsan: And if ABC wants to milk a fuckin show based of Lord of the Flies, then let them.
Joseph Smith: New episode tommorow
Fox: Fox hears your prayers ebado
Joseph Smith: KICK HIM
ebado: Ehsan, please just go to bed.
ebado: You've done enough.
Ehsan: I liked that show before everyone else was watching, then it got stupid on purpose to make it last longer, and i stopped caring.
Joseph Smith: fox
Fox: chicken
Ehsan: btw this is the kind of stuff that will be on my blog, and I'd like to point out you all spent 2 hours talking with me.
Joseph Smith: I think something epic will happen in tommorows lost
Ehsan: 32 cents!
Fox: i think it will too
ebado: Chicken, it's your job to post this shit.
Fox: Desmond will become space Jesus
ebado: I can't wade through it again.
Joseph Smith: where should I cut it off?
Joseph Smith: At the catholic part?
ebado: Here.
Fox: And then vent died. Forever.
ebado: Red Dead Redemption, amirtie?
Joseph Smith: wait guys hold on
Joseph Smith: I am tyring to copy this
Fox: oh yeah
Ehsan: what ice cream should I get?
Joseph Smith: I will kill you
Ehsan: I think I'm going to get chocolate brownie ice cream and crush chips ahoy in them.
Joseph Smith: I'm going to fucking kill him
Ehsan: ur the morman i'm the muslim, how good do you think you are at killing vs me?
ebado: No, Smith, include that one.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:05 am
by JensenBakura
[quote=""fallenchicken""]Ehsan: Oh my'bad you all get to marry multipule women.
Joseph Smith: Not anymore
Ehsan: aww too bad.
Joseph Smith: You can still have sex with multiple women though
Ehsan: You know i think that's bullshit they don't let people do their own thing.
Joseph Smith: I agree.
ebado: Chicken's family escaped the Mormons, right?
Joseph Smith: Some of family is
Joseph Smith: I have two mormon sisters.
Ehsan: I don't see a big deal with polygamy or homosexuallity ot anything, let those people do whatever the fuck they want to do.
Joseph Smith: And ton of mormon extended family
ebado: Ehsan, but homos are so gay.
Ehsan: If you people in Utah want to be Homosexuall Polygamists then go for it.
Joseph Smith: I do
Ehsan: have a family of a couple of fudge packers, it's your right.
Joseph Smith: But mormons ahte homos pretty bad.
Joseph Smith: hate*
Joseph Smith: loathe even
Ehsan: Would they let homos get married if the government let them do the polygamy thing?
Joseph Smith: they dont want to do the plygamy thing anymore
Joseph Smith: and no they wouldn't
Ehsan: yeah right/
ebado: The true Mormons don't.
ebado: They still have the fundamentalist sects.
Ehsan: I don't see a problem with polygamy.
ebado: Of which some still practice polygamy.
Joseph Smith: It is to the point where homos cant go downtown
Ehsan: if people wanna do it, then do it.
Joseph Smith: Because the church owns all of downtown almost
Joseph Smith: And kick gay people kissing off their property
Ehsan: Good for them, it's their properity.
ebado: Ehsan, the concern is that polygamy lead to arranged marriages, basic slavery and statutory rape
ebado: ebado speel
Ehsan: But that's their culture.
Joseph Smith: lol
Joseph Smith: Slavery is their culture
ebado: But illegal in the U.S. Slavery and rape.
Ehsan: You know polygamy is part is islam, and most muslims don't do it.
Joseph Smith: Polygamy, the way FLDS people practice it, is legal in the u.s
Joseph Smith: They only marry one wife on paper.
ebado: Yes.
Ehsan: And yes arranged marrages happen.
ebado: I learned that from Big Love.
Ehsan: And yes in poor ass places people are sold into marrage.
Ehsan: But that's their culture.
Joseph Smith: Oh so its okay
Ehsan: And who is anyone else to say it's bad.
ebado: But illegal in the U.S.
Joseph Smith: When the taliban gasses a girls school, its just their culture.
ebado: You know what, slavery is fine.
Ehsan: You know the biggest fear people have of homos getting married is they will adopt kids.
ebado: It's my culture to own people.
Ehsan: And people think they will molest them and shit.
Joseph Smith: /i just fucking facepalmed
Joseph Smith: They can adopt kids.
ebado: God Ehsan, you are so fucking stupid,
Ehsan: So the point i'm getting at, is people are monster by themselves, not cause of homosexuallty or polygamy or anything.
Ehsan: Tons of hetro monogomous people are sickos.
ebado: Ehsan, your point was slavery and rape was OK if it was part of somebody's culture
Joseph Smith: lol
Ehsan: No my point is people who make those choices are just bad.
Ehsan: and it has nothing to do with polygamy or not.
Joseph Smith: but that is their culture ehsan
Joseph Smith: so its fine
Ehsan: The whole South did slavery and rape, and they wanted to have a confederate day.
ebado: Who cares? Its their culture.
Ehsan: It's their culture.
ebado: I want to rape all my slaves.
Joseph Smith: its your culture
Joseph Smith: go ahead
ebado: And then murder an entire elementary school.
Ehsan: What if a majjority of people said your culture of hetrosexually was bad, and forced you to be gay.
ebado: With my dick.
ebado: Ehsan, stop trying to back out of it. You are already an idiot.
Ehsan: American Culture feels violence is ok, but sexually is taboo, and in europe it's the other way.
Ehsan: who is correct?
Joseph Smith: wtf are you taling about?
ebado: Ehsan, stop trying.
Joseph Smith: This is going on stories from vent.
ebado: We don't care. You have a lower intelligence level than both of us. You aren't breaking our mind barriers.
ebado: Our mind grapes are swollen with knowledge. Your's are prunes.
Ehsan: I'm just saying small examples of slavery and rape, shouldn't be a reason why a whole people are not allowed to do their thing.
ebado: Nobody said it was.
ebado: I want to do the facepalm emote for the first time.
Ehsan: You guys said polygamy leads to slavery and rape.
ebado: That is how you make me feel.
ebado: No, I said that was the argument the Mormon Church had for abolishing it
Joseph Smith: And it does IN those cult camps
Ehsan: Oh i thought the US governemnt forced them too.
Joseph Smith: There are normal polygamists out their.
Joseph Smith: its the cult part
Joseph Smith: They did
ebado: Jesus, Ehsan, you are an idiot.
Joseph Smith: The church did abolish it for the goverment
Joseph Smith: and became a real religion.
Joseph Smith: Which means*drums* tax exemption
ebado: They should just pray to the space dragons like the rest of us.
Ehsan: Why did they have to change a fundimental part of their religon jsut for the tax exempt?
ebado: Because that's what organized religion does.
Joseph Smith: Yes
Ehsan: Isn't the whole part of the mormans moving to Utah back in the day was so they can have their orgies?
Joseph Smith: Kind of
A Sneaky Ithorian: As I've heard it said, they wanted Utah to be a state but US was all lieks, "lose that polygmy bullshit'
Ehsan: exactly, and the mormans should have the freedom to practice their religion the way they want to.
ebado: For the love of Dumbledore, Ehsan, just comprehend please.
Joseph Smith: People of time viewed mormons as a anti christ type thing
Joseph Smith: They should
Joseph Smith: But they should A. HAve to pay taxes and B. Be held to the law
Ehsan: I hate this prince of persia movie shit, I should have been in that movie.
ebado: Ehsan, you seem to not be separating cults from fundamentalists from mainstream Mormons.
ebado: OK
ebado: We are done with Mormon talk
Ehsan: To me all the religons are a bunch of cults, they just have more followers.
Joseph Smith: When it comes down to it ehsan, people dont like polygamy, not being a polyagamist makes the church look better.
ebado: God, Ehsan, we aren't getting into that.
Ehsan: Have you ever been in a catholic church? That fuckin shit is demonic.
ebado: ...
Ehsan: Drinking wine to symbolize blood and shit.
Joseph Smith: ok
Ehsan: Stand up and sit down over and over chanting shit in unison, bunch of full brainwashing.
Ehsan: But if people want to do that shit, good for them they should be allowed to.
Joseph Smith: they are allowed.
ebado: No, Ehsan. No more. Please. Just stop.
Ehsan: and if those morman want to get freaky with their 2nd and 3rd cousins in a big bed, then let them.
Ehsan: and if homos want to stick it to each other and wear dresses and get married, let them.
ebado: Fox, are you there? Could you start talking about Lost?
Fox: Fox is watching
Fox: L O S T
Joseph Smith: omg l O S T
Joseph Smith: I love lost
Ehsan: And if ABC wants to milk a fuckin show based of Lord of the Flies, then let them.
Joseph Smith: New episode tommorow
Fox: Fox hears your prayers ebado
Joseph Smith: KICK HIM
ebado: Ehsan, please just go to bed.
ebado: You've done enough.
Ehsan: I liked that show before everyone else was watching, then it got stupid on purpose to make it last longer, and i stopped caring.
Joseph Smith: fox
Fox: chicken
Ehsan: btw this is the kind of stuff that will be on my blog, and I'd like to point out you all spent 2 hours talking with me.
Joseph Smith: I think something epic will happen in tommorows lost
Ehsan: 32 cents!
Fox: i think it will too
ebado: Chicken, it's your job to post this shit.
Fox: Desmond will become space Jesus
ebado: I can't wade through it again.
Joseph Smith: where should I cut it off?
Joseph Smith: At the catholic part?
ebado: Here.
Fox: And then vent died. Forever.
ebado: Red Dead Redemption, amirtie?
Joseph Smith: wait guys hold on
Joseph Smith: I am tyring to copy this
Fox: oh yeah
Ehsan: what ice cream should I get?
Joseph Smith: I will kill you
Ehsan: I think I'm going to get chocolate brownie ice cream and crush chips ahoy in them.
Joseph Smith: I'm going to fucking kill him
Ehsan: ur the morman i'm the muslim, how good do you think you are at killing vs me?
ebado: No, Smith, include that one.[/quote]

:| :D :lol: :o :shock: :? :x :roll: :)

Reading that, I expressed all of the above.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:16 am
by isgrelindisguise
Sobchak: Alright, I don't want to be around another 45 minutes of Ehsan's social masturbation
Ehsan: If you spend more then 20 bucks without getting fucked you got ripped off.
Fox: lol sobchak
Sobchak: Think I'm gonna hit the hay. Shiet :(
Sobchak: Later dudes.
Fox: me too actually
'Sobchak' has left the chat.
Fox: fox has work tomorrow
Ehsan: sobchak is the man, if i can choose any 3 people to go to a stip club with it would sig fox and sobchak
ebado: me too
'ebado' has left the chat.
Fox: thanks ehsan
Fox: later though!
'Fox' has left the chat.
Ehsan: yeah i'm out too, need to eat my ice cream and sleep.
Ehsan: night night
'Ehsan' has left the chat.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:18 am
by isgrelindisguise
Ehsan is a catalyst for hindsight humor - Ehsan

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:13 am
by Darth Snuggles
ebado: Our mind grapes are swollen with knowledge. Your's are prunes

Thanks for posting guys.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:42 am
by badfo
Nobody cares about Thaed.

Fox: i like boondocks, my black friend Mike LOVES boondocks
Fox: so does my white friend Adam
ebado: Lies
ebado: You don't know any black people.
Fox: i do, hes my get out of racism card
Fox: "im not racist my best friend is black!"
'Thaed' has joined the chat.
Thaed: Filthy Americans.
'Thaed' has left the chat.
Fox: this seth rogan film sounds good
Fox: a comedy about a guy my age getting cancer
Fox: i know i would joke about it
Fox: its the only way i would know how to deal with it
Sobchak: Drama Comedy, bro
ebado: I had a black roommate
ebado: He sucked