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Re: stories from vent

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:00 am
by Sobchak
Snuggs: pewps, are you feeling alright? youre not your usual effervescent self.
Pewps: adjective - vivactious; gay; lively; sparkling
Pewps: you sayin i like dudes?

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:40 am
by JensenBakura
[quote=""Sobchak""]Snuggs: pewps, are you feeling alright? youre not your usual effervescent self.
Pewps: adjective - vivactious; gay; lively; sparkling
Pewps: you sayin i like dudes?[/quote]


pewps is rolled stone-cold gold.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:48 am
by Sobchak
Sobchak: ... aula-9.jpg
Fox: that is a quality post sobchak
Kaheynu: Sobchak : thank you.
Sobchak: I needed to see this picture after the brain numbing of SWTOR.
Padre Justicia: meh.
Padre Justicia: she's all yours.
Sobchak: Like she'd ever be yours anyway.
Fox: LOL
Fox: and nice Kaheynu!
Fox: always love a firefly reference
Kaheynu: The burn is incalculable
Padre Justicia: fox can you link me your wall?
ebado: From the Fuck a Celebrity
Sobchak: ... ento-3.jpg
Sobchak: That's the Brazillian bottling worker from The Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton version)
ebado: The hottest picture
Kaheynu: She's on the cover of this month's GQ, by the way. Pictorial included of course.
Padre Justicia: Girls of that caliber are of my firends works in brazil, and the number of poor but very hot peasants is uncaalcuable. His wife is of a similar level of attractiveness to that girl.
Fox: is he homely?
Fox: and poor?
ebado: By the way, and are good stops for everything I've posted in the Celebrity thread
Fox: if he is homely and poor, maybe i too can have a chance in brazil
Padre Justicia: He's in shape, but not particularly attractive. And he's rich by brazillian standards, cause his salary comes from the US. Plus, he's a humanitarian worker, which doesn't lose any points with the ladies.
Sobchak: I'm going to be visiting Brazil in the near future
ebado: Well
Sobchak: and also the Moon
ebado: 3:41 a.m.
Padre Justicia: But to be honest, poor girls from patriarchal societies fawn over western guys who aren't asspandas. Finding one = better standard of living, plus a nicer, more caring guy then they are use too.
ebado: Should I be going to bed?
Fox: im thinking of teaching english as a foreign language fora year
Fox: ive debated brazil
Fox: if i can even do it at all
Sobchak: I'm an asspanda
Padre Justicia: FOx: I di dhtat with japanese immigrants to the US. Is awesome.
Sobchak: A panda of ass? Are you kidding me? Who wouldn't want to be one.
ebado: I'm assbamboo. EAT ME.
Padre Justicia: :-/
ebado: Sorry.
Fox: i just need to survive for a year before i go to england
Sobchak: Assbamboo sounds like a locker room fungus
Kaheynu: You cuntbuckets, Jensen's trying to lay some education on you
Sobchak: Fuck Jensen's education.
ebado: Assbamboo sounds like a rapper's name
Sobchak: Fuck your capital letters.
Fox: the problem with TEFL is its a year long contract + training, and by the time i come back it would be time to start school in england-land
Sobchak: Fuck Fox.
ebado: Ecept it would be Assbam Boo.
Fox: i listen to advice on how to sleep with hot brazillian chicks
Sobchak: BAM
Sobchak: That's a great rap name.
Fox: thats the best education there is
Padre Justicia: Assbam could be indian or egyptian.
Sobchak: Or a cartoon character.
Padre Justicia: I discourage promiscuity, of course. :P
Sobchak: This is why you fail.
ebado: No, THIS is why you fail
Sobchak: No this.
'Pewps' has joined the chat.
ebado: *links video*
Padre Justicia: What did FGM say fox?
Sobchak: *clicks link*
Padre Justicia: after my post?
Kaheynu: Feces.
Sobchak: Good one, ebado
Padre Justicia: Not clicking that link.
Sobchak: *gets reference*
Padre Justicia: ^^ slow.
ebado: I knew you would like it
ebado: *berates Jensen*
Sobchak: I didn't even read what you wrote, Jensen
Sobchak: I DON'T READ
ebado: Precious?
Padre Justicia: Fox?
Sobchak: Assfire?
Padre Justicia: Random story:
Sobchak: Guys, is this funny enough for Stories from Vent?
Pewps: no
ebado: Fuck you, Fox.
Sobchak: Pewps says no but he's a dipshit.
ebado: Now it is

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:49 am
by Pewps
Sobchak: Guys, is this funny enough for Stories from Vent?
Pewps: no
ebado: Fuck you, Fox.
Sobchak: Pewps says no but he's a dipshit.
ebado: Now it is[/quote]

Only part worth reading imo

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:55 am
by pano
I like how Sobchak and ebado post pictures of hot girls, and Fox links his wall.

One of these things is not like the others.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:10 am
by Browncoat Fox
[quote=""salo_pano""]I like how Sobchak and ebado post pictures of hot girls, and Fox links his wall.

One of these things is not like the others.[/quote]

It was by request. I can't help it, the people want what the people want salo.

Though I did think of pointing this out in chat, but then the deed was done, and I already traveled back in time to change things once today.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:45 pm
by swtordays
'Fipps' has joined the chat.
Pewps: :thumbdown:
Thaed: :thumbdown:
ebado: :thumbdown:
sobchak: :thumbdown:
salo: hey, sexy
Snuggs: :thumbdown:
'Fipps' has left the chat.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:11 am
by pano
Fox: ok salo
Fox: ive decided
Fox: you can have satele
salo: just have a fox, not a qual
Fox: but i get this jedi chick
BlueFish/Ravager: I get Hylo
salo: I want Exal
BlueFish/Ravager: Ebado gets Angral

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:08 am
by BlueFish
[quote=""salo_pano""]Fox: ok salo
Fox: ive decided
Fox: you can have satele
salo: just have a fox, not a qual
Fox: but i get this jedi chick
BlueFish/Ravager: I get Hylo
salo: I want Exal
BlueFish/Ravager: ebado gets Angral[/quote]

Angral is a deviant though, look at this guy!


Re: stories from vent

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:15 am
by badfo
Bolded part is the fun part. Rest is context.

Sobchak: although they haven't mailed my visa back to me yet so I'm getting a little worried, to be honest.
MudRat_02: you have to send your passport to their embassy or something?
Sobchak: yup.
Sobchak: I even did rush delivery.
Ehsan: you sent the pssport it self?
Ehsan: Not a copy?
MudRat_02: ehsan, you have to send hte actual passport
Ehsan: To go where?
Ehsan: I just got my Visa to China with a copy.
MudRat_02: to countries that require an entry visa beforehand
MudRat_02: I had to do it for Vietnam, for instance
Ehsan: Umm i guess different rules for different places.
MudRat_02: whereas Egypt you can just rock up and get one on arrival
MudRat_02: yeah. I would have thought china would have been one of the strict ones, guess not
Ehsan: oh wait lol i made a mistake.
Sobchak: They just thought you were chinese, Ehsan
Sobchak: Cubans and Chinese are, like, identical
Ehsan: I did provide my actual one.
Ehsan: But I didn't do it myself, it was to the school and they did it all for us.
Ehsan: We have a visa agent do it.
Sobchak: ur a visa agent
Ehsan: no the school had one, and i forgot i gave them my passport.
Ehsan: or hired one or whatever

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:52 am
by Deadpool
I miss vent. Ah bloo bloo bloo ah bloo bloo

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:36 pm
by Lady Gettyburg
[quote=""Deadpool""]I miss vent. Ah bloo bloo bloo ah bloo bloo[/quote]

So why arent you on it?

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:11 am
by Ethite
[quote=""GoBetty""][quote=""Deadpool""]I miss vent. Ah bloo bloo bloo ah bloo bloo[/quote]

So why arent you on it?[/quote]

I was there, trying to have a short and jocular conversation (influence gained: Peter Garrett) with you and got completely ignored. This is how it all played out:

'Betty' has joined the chat.
MudRat_02: Fucking score, betty is here and now I can talk to her.
Betty: This sucks.
Betty: S U C K S
MudRat_02: I'm feeling pretty put out right now
Betty: S U C K S
Betty: ill be back in 8 hours
'Betty' has left the chat.
MudRat_02: brutal. Didn't even say hi to FC.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:32 am
by fallenchicken
[quote=""Ethite""][quote=""GoBetty""][quote=""Deadpool""]I miss vent. Ah bloo bloo bloo ah bloo bloo[/quote]

So why arent you on it?[/quote]

I was there, trying to have a short and jocular conversation (influence gained: Peter Garrett) with you and got completely ignored. This is how it all played out:

'Betty' has joined the chat.
MudRat_02: Fucking score, betty is here and now I can talk to her.
Betty: This sucks.
Betty: S U C K S
MudRat_02: I'm feeling pretty put out right now
Betty: S U C K S
Betty: ill be back in 8 hours
'Betty' has left the chat.
MudRat_02: brutal. Didn't even say hi to FC.[/quote]

I don't think FC was on.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:32 am
by badfo

I don't think FC was on.[/quote]

Fred Claus

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:59 am
by Ethite

I don't think FC was on.[/quote]

Fred Claus[/quote]

French Cuisine?

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:20 pm
by Lady Gettyburg
[quote=""Ethite""][quote=""GoBetty""][quote=""Deadpool""]I miss vent. Ah bloo bloo bloo ah bloo bloo[/quote]

So why arent you on it?[/quote]

I was there, trying to have a short and jocular conversation (influence gained: Peter Garrett) with you and got completely ignored. This is how it all played out:

'Betty' has joined the chat.
MudRat_02: Fucking score, betty is here and now I can talk to her.
Betty: This sucks.
Betty: S U C K S
MudRat_02: I'm feeling pretty put out right now
Betty: S U C K S
Betty: ill be back in 8 hours
'Betty' has left the chat.
MudRat_02: brutal. Didn't even say hi to FC.[/quote]

No one said shit in that chat, liar. Or else i would have stayed.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:42 am
by Ethite

I was there, trying to have a short and jocular conversation (influence gained: Peter Garrett) with you and got completely ignored. This is how it all played out:

'Betty' has joined the chat.
MudRat_02: Fucking score, betty is here and now I can talk to her.
Betty: This sucks.
Betty: S U C K S
MudRat_02: I'm feeling pretty put out right now
Betty: S U C K S
Betty: ill be back in 8 hours
'Betty' has left the chat.
MudRat_02: brutal. Didn't even say hi to FC.[/quote]

No one said shit in that chat, liar. Or else i would have stayed.[/quote]

Ok, I was AFK. Thats what I would have said if I was there, though.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:49 am
by Lady Gettyburg
[quote=""Ethite""]Ok, I was AFK. Thats what I would have said if I was there, though.[/quote]


Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:22 am
by badfo
ebado: Erection Squadron preparing to engage the Vulva sisters
MudRat_02: ready the AA artillery
Betty: Eeek
Sobchak: "Missiles jammed"
Snuggs: lol, hes only got AA size...
Betty: AA guns trumps the winged cocks at least
ebado: "Damn, no, the missile is exploding inside my ship. Ahhh, ooh that feels good." - Ehsan
Snuggs: eeew
Betty: LOL
MudRat_02: who should I choose, Samara or Morinth?
Snuggs: trust ebado to make a perfectly good convo into something gross.
Betty: Ehsan is a god if you think of it..
Betty: He fits in every discussion
Betty: and in most vaginas
ebado: With plenty of room to spare
ebado: BAM
MudRat_02: lol
Betty: *drumrolls*
Joseph Smith: This is a nice addition to my foot collection.-Ehsan
Joseph Smith: A little late
ebado: I'm glad you like my Ehsan fan fiction, Snuggs.
MudRat_02: Doesn't stop him from parking his Prius in a double garage
ebado: I laughedrat
MudRat_02: *prius five*
Betty: My facebook pic got really small
Snuggs: i have to say ebado, you and chicken are always spot on with your ehsan quotations.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:52 am
by Lady Gettyburg
Snuggs: the problem is betty, that men, in general, are attached to cocks
Snuggs: and i like cock.
Sobchak: liar
Sigmarsson: big lie
Betty: Yeah me too
Sobchak: both liars
Snuggs: if we could get the two apart
Snuggs: thatd be great
Snuggs: chicks with dicks ftw.
'MudRat_02' has joined the chat.
Sigmarsson: this has taken a disturbing turn
Betty: Also i wouldnt mind chopping off the balls, they are of no use
Snuggs: haha
MudRat_02: wow
Betty: Just the cock
Snuggs: yeah, that'd be handy
Sigmarsson: mudrat say something pleaser
Snuggs: i dont wanna get preggers y'know?
Betty: LOL
Sigmarsson: mudrat
Betty: No hell no
MudRat_02: have I come at a ...disturbing time?
Sigmarsson: seduce them with your voice, make them stop
Betty: Fuck that
Snuggs: men should all have their tubes tied at birth
Sigmarsson: wtf
Sobchak: I'm confused and aroused simultaneously
Snuggs: and then IF we wanna breed with them
Betty: Yeah i agree
MudRat_02: totes betty, someone is going to soul breathe in a minute
Sigmarsson: holy shit
Snuggs: we just go in and get the sperm later
Betty: Thats an awesome idea
Snuggs: of course it is
Sobchak: Guys.
Betty: Preferably with a genepool map or something to secure it being a good strong child.
Sigmarsson: rat
Sobchak: Women, am I right?
Sigmarsson: you're our only hope
Snuggs: yeah
Betty: If i ever get preggo i hope i get a girl
Sigmarsson: fucking women
Sobchak: Amanda Bynes retired from acting
Snuggs: there ought to be like a gene database where all men are rated based on the quality of their genetic soup
Sobchak: I have no faith in women anymore
Snuggs: and only the top guys get to breed
MudRat_02: this is out of control
Sigmarsson: shes totally in the dating scene for avg joes like you and me sobchak
Sobchak: I"m above average.
Sigmarsson: thats what you think
Snuggs: theyd probably all be black though.
Sobchak: You're right
Sobchak: I'm way below.
MudRat_02: lol
Betty: Yeah as it is now you can get a bummers fucking juice if you try to do it artificially, or most likely a jerk off students
Sigmarsson: unless you do something as worthy as carl sagans achievements however, we are all below the line
Betty: True Snuggs
Sobchak: My broken wrist and lack of wisdom teeth put me out of the top crop.
Snuggs: there are only THREE sperm donors in the whole of canberra. fun fact
Betty: Black men seem to excell at the genesoup, just look at sports
Snuggs: but can you imagine who they probably are?
Snuggs: eeeew
Sobchak: Snuggles is racist.
Snuggs: end up with spaz kids.
Betty: LOL
Snuggs: my boss keeps telling me to go to the US and get some frozen black spunk
Sigmarsson: i heard salo once made a donation
Snuggs: you know i just dont think he knows me at all!
Sobchak: Frozen Black Spunk sounds like the new flavor of Ben & Jerry's
Sigmarsson: you should rush to the clinic and see if you can get some of that snuggs
Snuggs: salo could give me a donation anyday
Betty: Its cheaper with Salo
Betty: And he got some good looks imo as well
Snuggs: at least maybe then id have average sized kids.
Betty: How tall is Salo?
Snuggs: although imagine popping out a salo-baby?
Sigmarsson: sobchak
Snuggs: oh god, the tearing.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:05 am
by Darth Snuggles

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:09 am
by Lady Gettyburg
[quote=""Darth Snuggles""]The TEARING![/quote]
I dread with you.. i do..

Come baby, let me hug the fear away
*embraces Snuggles and rocks her back and forth.. back and forth and gropes her ass discreetly*

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:23 am
by Qual
Wow, that was a little disturbing.

BTW, salo is tall enough.

Re: stories from vent

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:08 am
by fallenchicken
I liked this

Betty: I promised not to drink to my boyfriend thing and im still up, drunk and his alarm thing went off
Betty: =(
Snuggs: haha
Snuggs: you shoud have turned his alarm off
Betty: Its not too late!
Sigmarsson: pretend you woke up
Thaed: Tell him Sobchak seduced you into staying. Then he'll be angry with him instead!
Sobchak: I"ll kick your boyfriends face
Snuggs: woke up and whiskey in your mouth
Snuggs: who knows how it got there
Betty: uuh.. its impossible to miss me drunk, i talk too much and like... stink whisky
Joseph Smith: You should switch to scotch.
Sigmarsson: fight him sobchak
Sobchak: I'll fight any and all boyfriends
Betty: thanks sobchak
Snuggs: can i procure your services?
Sobchak: No problem buddy.
Betty: Good idea Thaed
Sobchak: I can't promise I'll win
Sobchak: but I'll fight
Betty: sobchak is wiry
Betty: he'll win
Snuggs: yeah, id put my money on sobchak
Sobchak: Nah I'm stout, like a keg.
Joseph Smith: I got your back, bro
Sobchak: Wait no I'm not
Snuggs: haah
Joseph Smith: Any boyfriends who fight sobchak just know I got his back
Sobchak: Joseph has my back, I think I'll win
Betty: i need to make a decision while i pee. BRB!
Thaed: What if someone contracts Sobchak to fight you, Prophet?
Joseph Smith: Your mother would never
Joseph Smith: BOOOM
Joseph Smith: OMG thaed how does that feel?
Thaed: Da dun chi!
Sobchak: *Sobchak starts swinging his towel*