Would you date this woman?

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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by JensenBakura »


As for the spending a fortune, personally I'd recommend using it to take care of what you have.

That's me though.[/quote]

I'd take a plain, well groomed (groomed, not painted) in-shape girl with no make-up over a girl dressed to the nines and caked in cosmetics any day.

Quinn, in his own angry drunk bisexual way was correct...how a person takes care of what they have speaks volumes about their outlook, self-esteem, etc.

A girl who is plain but takes care of her weight and appearance is probably a lot more stable (and potentially fun to date) than an more attractive girl who's always over-killing the cosmetics. Also...@snuggles, I never pick up chicks at bars or on the internet. Ever. I go to bars to drink and play darts or snooker. I go on the internet to be juvenile or admire boobies (depending on whether the thread I'm in was started by Salo or Qual). I find girls in everyday places...like work, or one of the check-out girls at the local supermarket, or the interns at the local bank. That's where the real gold is.


[img50:5379x2te]http://woodenspears.com/wp-content/uplo ... an-fox.jpg[/img50:5379x2te]

Is not as attractive to me as this:

[img50:5379x2te]http://www.theiphoneblog.com/images/sto ... rs-051.jpg[/img50:5379x2te]

Which is not as attractive as this:

[img50:5379x2te]http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 ... 609-lg.jpg[/img50:5379x2te]
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

[quote=""Slippery_Eel""]I have a question that is kinda related, but not...

When you are out perusing women in a bar etc, or on dating websites, do you bother to consider what they look like without an inch of makeup plastered on their face? Do you wonder what horrors might lie beneath, or is that something you're willing to deal with the next day? I'm just curious because it crosses my mind all the time. I figure that's cause I'm a woman and I use make-up though. Do guys think about that, or are you just to busy checkin' out the T&A?

Does it even matter? Can I stop spending a fortune on beauty products?!?[/quote]
I prefer my women with little to no make up, lip-gloss and Mascara are the only types of make up I find that make a woman more attractive, anything beyond that is a turn off for me, because I realise that anything beyond that will eventually come off and shock me half to death when I have to deal with it.
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Sigmarsson »

I prefer my women with little to no make up, lip-gloss and Mascara are the only types of make up I find that make a woman more attractive, anything beyond that is a turn off for me, because I realise that anything beyond that will eventually come off and shock me half to death when I have to deal with it.[/quote]

I prefer my women attractive.
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

I prefer my women with little to no make up, lip-gloss and Mascara are the only types of make up I find that make a woman more attractive, anything beyond that is a turn off for me, because I realise that anything beyond that will eventually come off and shock me half to death when I have to deal with it.[/quote]

I prefer my women attractive.[/quote]
Total Windu man.
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Darth Snuggles »

lol how young are you? You sound like my little sister.

OK well here it comes from a man.

When you are out perusing women in a bar etc, or on dating websites, do you bother to consider what they look like without an inch of makeup plastered on their face? = No, I'm only looking to get laid, I'm seriously not interested in a long term relationship at those kind of places.

Do you wonder what horrors might lie beneath, or is that something you're willing to deal with the next day? I leave after I clean my dick off.

Ok here comes the real deal, for me a real relationship comes with a woman whom I enjoy spending time with. First off make up is only supposed to accent a face, not define it. So if you feel your make up is defining your face you are wearing wayyyy too much. Make up and great hair work, but seriously no amount of make up will make you attractive either you are or you are not. If you meet a guy and he's only interested in your looks, he is only looking to get laid. If you are with a guy and you notice he is always smiling and loves spending time with you and you both get along despite the fact your pretty or not, (I've only seen you with a gas mask on) he's a good one.

But yeah make up and nice hair and being clean tells me about your personality.[/quote]

Oh, I wasn't asking for advice about whether I should wear make-up to attract a man, though thanks anyway :D I was just curious if it's something ya'll think about. Because for me, alot of the time when I'm checking women out, there's a competitive undercurrent in my mind. For instance I might see a girl and think "Wow, great legs. Pfft, push-up bra." Or "She has a great smile, but that shade of lipstick makes her look like a whore."

I personally don't "paint" a face on. I simply cringe when I see other women that do. I used to work with a girl that didn't even blend her foundation in. She just plastered it on and left it so that she had this kinda slimy mask on her face all day. Hilarious when she would then smudge it or blow her nose, but wierd. I definately believe make-up is to accentuate what you've already got and it should be natural and subtle. Except for my eyes, I like to dramatise them a little bit. I am a mascara + eye-liner addict. Nor do I really spend alot of money on beauty stuff. That was a total lie :P
Girly business is kinda therapeutic for me though, after being covered in sweat and grease all day, it's nice to feel pretty sometimes :lol:

Anyways, I just realised how wierd it is to be having a discussion about make-up on this forum. So... Tits!!

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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

after being covered in sweat and grease all day, it's nice to feel pretty sometimes
So.... you're a prostitute?
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Darth Snuggles »

after being covered in sweat and grease all day, it's nice to feel pretty sometimes
So.... you're a prostitute?[/quote]
And how!

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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

after being covered in sweat and grease all day, it's nice to feel pretty sometimes
So.... you're a prostitute?[/quote]
And how!

Best .GIF ever, you earned a coupon to fuck me with a strapon whenever you feel like it.
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Mazz »


That's good stuff right there.
Sex me.
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Volke »

[quote=""fallenchicken""][quote=""BlueElephantKung-Fu""]I wouldn't. Call me superficial.[/quote][/quote]
Do the Bender!
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by pano »

[quote=""Volke""][quote=""fallenchicken""][quote=""BlueElephantKung-Fu""]I wouldn't. Call me superficial.[/quote][/quote][/quote]
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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by Darth Snuggles »

Best .GIF ever, you earned a coupon to fuck me with a strapon whenever you feel like it.[/quote]
Hmmm, there's always room for improvement. For instance, you just made me realise I had this gif completely back to front!

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Re: Would you date this woman?

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »

Best .GIF ever, you earned a coupon to fuck me with a strapon whenever you feel like it.[/quote]
Hmmm, there's always room for improvement. For instance, you just made me realise I had this gif completely back to front!


you just made it rain awesome.
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