The Fall of the Jedi Movie Trilogy

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The Fall of the Jedi Movie Trilogy

Post by JensenBakura » ... tom-menace

So, I watched all three fan edits last week. I highly recommend them, regardless of what you think of the PT. I could not believe how much editing can change a film. I have also seen The Phantom Edit + Attack of the Phantom, but I hold this version to be far superior, because it's not an overt Lucas Hate Machine that only seems like it's cutting out things based on personal preference.

Like the editor of Episode IV, this editor really seems to get what Lucas was going for, but perhaps didn't have the editorial skill/fresh second perspective to fully get across effectively.

The single most amazing thing for me about this version of the PT is that it manages to spoil NOTHING that happens in the OT. Let that sink in for a second. Maybe equally amazingly, it made me like the prequels as films in their own right.

Here is a spoiler heavy list of major plot changes, beware:

1. TPM opening crawl mentions that there are crises arising all across the republic, and that unfounded rumors blame these on a mysterious Sith Lord.

2. Darth Sidious is named but never shown. Darth Maul is shown but never named. The movie leaves it ambiguous as to whether he (maul) was Sidious, or just the apprentice.

3. Jar Jar is not clumsy or stupid. He leads the Jedi straight to Boss Nass, and then joins them on their quest. No mention of banishment. He really only speaks when he has exposition to deliver regarding the Gungans.

4. R2 is an unnamed side character, 3PO is cut completely.

5. Anakin remains on Naboo during the final battle, the TF Battleship is destroyed by one of the Naboo pilots flying into the hanger.

1. Obi-Wan figures out the dart came from Kamino on his own, with the help of Droids at the Jedi Archives. No Diner scene.

2. The romance plot is handled differently. Lots of dialogue/scene changes. Flows much more naturally. Padme's family has a scene.

3. No Droid Factory scene, no Jango/Obi-Wan space battle. Added scenes where Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme negotiate with Dooku. No Yoda/Dooku battle.

1. No Yoda/Emperor battle.

2. No mention of Darth Vader. Final Anakin scene is Obi-Wan leaving him to die on Mustafar.

2. Padme survives and is shown on Alderaan with baby Leia, but she looks sickly and sad.
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Re: The Fall of the Jedi Movie Trilogy

Post by pano »

I'm prolly gonna watch the first one

I got stawuz on muh brain
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Re: The Fall of the Jedi Movie Trilogy

Post by Pewps »

rip jensen
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