I'm going to regret this, but we have BBCode for YouTube now

A place where you won't get an infraction for being polite.
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Re: I'm going to regret this, but we have BBCode for YouTube

Post by BlueElephantKung-Fu »


Go ahead and post the quickguide too.[/quote]
I send you the invite.

As a new user you'll have an imposed waiting time on new torrents until you get your quota up.

Google and download greedytorrent, read the help file it will help you sync you're torrent client with it, then set greedytorrent to report your upload as 3 times your download, find yourself a 4 gig + file without the waiting time, download it and your newbie restrictions are lifted. The rest you will learn on your own.

If anyone still wants to use torrentleech account, I'm willing to share my login as I have a TB surplus on my quota.[/quote]

I appreciate it, my blue elephant friend.[/quote]
Read the PM is send you puto, you're email address is considered invalid.
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